Sunday, November 21, 2010

常用汉语900句 Daily Chinese 900 sentences for E-Teaching Pen

New series of books for E-Teaching Pen :

(Note :

Now available and you can get it online at soon - January 2011)

- For more updates and info,

please contact Mr SW Lim :

email :

sms : +6012-3311432 or +6017-5678131

Code : B011
Daily Chinese 900 sentences – 122 pages
Selling Price : RM15.00

Related Products :
(i) B008 New Concept English 1 – 257 pages 

粤语900句(广东话) Cantonese 900 sentences for E-Teaching Pen

New series of books for E-Teaching Pen :

(Now available and you can buy online at - January 2011)

- For more updates and info,

please contact Mr SW Lim :

email :

sms : +6012-3311432 or +6017-5678131

Code : B010
Cantonese 900 sentences – 79 pages
Selling Price : RM7.50

韩语900句 Korea 900 sentences for E-Teaching Pen

New series of books for E-Teaching Pen :

(Available soon on December 2010)

- For more updates and info,

please contact Mr SW Lim :

email :

sms : +6012-3311432 or +6017-5678131

Code : B009
Korea 900 sentences – 61 pages
Selling Price : RM7.50

New Concept English 1 for E-Teaching Pen

New series of books for E-Teaching Pen :

(Available soon on December 2010)

- For more updates and info,

please contact Mr SW Lim :

email :

sms : +6012-3311432 or +6017-5678131

Code : B008
New Concept English 1 – 257 pages
Selling Price : RM18

Related Products :
B011 常用汉语900 Daily Chinese 900 sentences – 122 pages

三字经 for E-Teaching Pen

New series of books for E-Teaching Pen :

(Available soon on December 2010)

- For more updates and info,

please contact Mr SW Lim :

email :

sms : +6012-3311432 or +6017-5678131

Code : B006
三字经 (1) – 66 pages
Selling Price : RM25.90
Code : B007
三字经 (2) – 61 pages
Selling Price : RM25.90

Related Products :
B003 弟子 46 pages

汉语 600 字 (1) Chinese 600 sentences for E-Teaching Pen

New series of books for E-Teaching Pen :

(Available soon on December 2010)

- For more updates and info,

please contact Mr SW Lim :

email :

sms : +6012-3311432 or +6017-5678131

Code : B005
汉语 600 (1)
Chinese 600 sentences
– 38 pages
 Selling Price : RM22.90

汉语拼音 han yu pin yin for E-Teaching Pen

New series of books for E-Teaching Pen :

(Available soon on December 2010)

- For more updates and info,

please contact Mr SW Lim :

email :

sms : +6012-3311432 or +6017-5678131

Code : B004
han yu pin yin – 35 pages
Selling Price : RM22.90

弟子规 for E-Teaching Pen

New series of books for E-Teaching Pen :

(Available soon on December 2010)

- For more updates and info,

please contact Mr SW Lim :

email :

sms : +6012-3311432  or +6017-5678131

Code : B003
di zi gui
弟子规 – 46 pages
Selling Price :  RM24.90

Related Products :
B006 三字 (1) – 66 pages
B007 三字 (2) – 61 pages

马来语拼音 Suku Kata for E-Teaching Pen

New series of books for E-Teaching Pen : 
(Available soon on December 2010)
- For more updates and info,
please contact Mr SW Lim :
email :
sms : +6012-3311432  or +6017-5678131

Code : B001
Suku Kata ( Book 1) – 36 pages
Selling Price : RM22.90

Code : B002
Suku Kata (Book 2) – 32 pages
Selling Price : RM22.90